패션오브 크라이스트 라는 영화는 ?
글쓴이: 블루칩 08.03.18
출처 = http://cafe.daum.net/jesus330/A6U/1648
예수님의 수난, 즉 패션 오브 크라이스트(the passion of Christ) 영화 제작자였던 멜 깁슨(Mel Gibson)은 예수회 산하 경제 조직인 오푸스데이(Opus de) 회원이다.그가 만든 패션은 예수님이 라틴 십자가를 지고 한 쪽 눈을 감고 긴 머리(히피머리) 를 하고 십자가 형틀을 지고 쓰러질 때 하나님의 어머니(the Mother of God)의 도움을 받는 영화로 알려져 있다.
그것은 예수회(제수이트)의 주문으로 만들어진 영화인데, 트렌트 공의회 결의에 따른 마리아에게 영광을 돌리는 영화로서, 영화 속의 예수님은 신약성경의 예수님이 아니라 예수회 그리스도(Jesuit christ)였다. 위한 영화였다. 또한 이 영화는 세계정부 상징인 피라밋의 모든 것을 보는 눈(All seeing Eye)을 홍보하는 사탄 영화였다.
이러한 영화를 보게 되므로 성령님은 신음하시고 거듭난 성도들의 영은 고통을 당하게 된다. 구원받은 성도들은 기록된 말씀 밖 으로 넘어가지 말아야 할 것이다. 일루미나티의 일원인 제수이트 조직은 이렇게 교묘하게 자신의 하수인들을 이용하여 각종 프로 그램과 운동을 기획하고 이것들을 세계적으로 전파하고 있다. 지금 우리 교회들에게 전파되고 있는 운동과 프로그램들, 서적들은 이와 같은 것들이 대부분이다. 지금 이런 프로그램과 운동, 서적들에 의하여 우리 교회들이 어떻게 바뀌어지고 있는가 보라. 오순절 운동, 뜨레스디아스, 알파코스, G12, 빈야드 운동하면서 카톨릭에 친화적이지 않는 교회는 없다. 이들의 목적은 개혁교회의 교리를 파괴하는 것이며, 전세계의 교회를 카톨릭안에 하나로 묶는 것이다. 이 일을 소위 에큐메니칼 운동가들이 대행하고 있는 것이다.
( 상영 내내 예수의 한쪽눈을 부각시킨 영화, 예수의 치부(엉덩이)를 노출시킨 영화 )
( 교황들의 사인과 같은 예수의 손)
(교황 파이어스 12세 )
(교황 파이어스 12세 ) (교황 그레고리 16세 ) (프리메이슨 예수 라는 책자)
오순절을 즈음하여 많은 교회에서 패션오브 크라이스트라는 영화를 상영합니다. 그런데 이 영화가 말입니다. 이 영화가 왜 이러지요. 신성모독도 이런 신성 모독이 없습니다. 제정신을 가진 사람이면 이런 영화를 보며 경악을 금치 않을 수 없습니다. 지도자들은 은혜로운 것이라고 소문나면, 무조건 성도들에게 멕이고 봅니다.
지도자들이라면 분별하는 능력이 뛰어나야 합니다. 요즈음 미국에서 전래되는 수많은 프로그램과 운동들에 대하여 얼마나 검증하고 분별하였습니까 ? 성장에 좋다니까, 교인수 늘어난다니까, 우선 적용하고 보는 것입니까? 알파코스, g12, 빈야드 운동, 프라미스키퍼스, 임파테이션운동, 늦은비 운동, 번영신학운동( word of faith 운동), 기적 표적 운동, 신사도 운동, 뉴에이지운동, 관상기도 운동, 요가운동, 금이빨변화, 열린예배 운동, CCM..... 분별하여야 합니다.
One-Eyed Jesus Plus His Depicted Nakedness ( 한쪽눈의 예수 그리고 예수의 나체 ) In the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus is repeatedly punched in the face by Caiaphas' guards. After this savage fist beating, Jesus' face is swollen and very puffy. In fact, His right eye is completely closed. For the rest of the movie, Jesus is shown as being able to see only out of His right eye, as this picture clearly demonstrates. Right up until the time of His death on the cross, Jesus is able to see out with only one eye. In other words, Jesus is a one-eyed Messiah for the vast majority of this movie. Keep this deliberate wording in mind, for it shall gain greater significance later in this article.
(겟사마네 동산에서 예수님은 가이바의 병정들에 의하여 수차례 가격을 당한다. 이런 야만적 폭력을 당한후 예수의 얼굴은 부풀어 올랐다. 사실 그의 오른쪽 눈은 완전히 감겨져 버렸다. 그 이후 이 영화 내내 예수는 오른쪽 눈을 볼 수없는 형태로 연출한다. 십자가에서 죽을 때까지 예수는 오직 한쪽눈으로만 보며, 이 영화의 대부분의 시간동안 예수는 한쪽눈을 가진 메시아로 보여진다......)
In the movie, while Jesus is hanging on the cross, He turns His head slightly to the side and the camera focuses in on exactly the area of His face that is depicted in Gibson's symbol for his Icon Productions! Jesus' nose is to the lower left of the screen while His bloody eye is to the upper right. This camera shot lasted only a few seconds, but the scene is identical to his production company's symbol. ( 영화중 에수가 십자가에 달려 있는 동안 예수님은 약간 고개를 옆으로 돌리고 카메라는 깁슨 회사의 상징에 표현되는 부분에 초점을 맞추고 있다...... ) Even in the scene in the tomb, where Jesus is sitting at the foot of the crypt holding the collapsing burial cloths, the camera very carefully concentrates on only one side of the face, so that the entire depiction in the tomb is still of a one-eyed Messiah. I caught the ending of this movie again just today just so I could view this tomb scene, to make sure that I had seen it all correctly. (무덤의 장면에서도 예수님이 토굴의 발치에 앉아 있을 때도 카메라는 예수의 한쪽 얼굴만을 잡고 있다. 그래서 무덤에서의 전영상은 여전히 한쪽 눈의 예수이다.....)
Therefore the question of the hour is this: why the emphasis in "The Passion" upon one eye? This movie strongly depicts Jesus as a Messiah with only one eye, and with His left eye being the undamaged one. Why? ( 왜 이 영화는 한 쪽눈을 강조하는 것인가 ? 한쪽눈의 예수를 그토록 강하게 어필하는가 ? 상하지 않은 한쪽눈, 왜 ? ) The third time I viewed this movie, I asked Mac Dominick of Cutting Edge to accompany me, as he had not yet seen it. After the movie, Mac and I were talking as we were driving away from the theater. After Mac had shared a couple of observations, he then said, "The thing that bothered me the most is that Jesus was depicted for almost the whole movie as being one-eyed, and we know how much the Illuminati stresses the one eye. (................ " 영화의 전편에 걸쳐, 예수가 한쪽눈을 가진것으로 묘사되었다는 것에 대하여 대수롭게 생각할 일이 아니다. 일루미나티가 얼마나 한쪽눈을 강조하는지 잘안다." ) Mac was right, and I was amazed that I had not caught that significance. Jesus was depicted with only one eye during the vast majority of this movie. Was that an All-Seeing Eye of Illuminized Freemasonry, the one-Eyed Wisdom and Benevolence of Providence.? That certainly seemed to be possible, and very intriguing. ( .......... 광명파 프리메이슨: 일루미나티의 "모든 것을 보는 눈" 아닌가 ? 지혜와 신의 자비를 뜻하는 한 쪽눈, 그렇다. 매우 음모적인 것이 아닌가 ? ) Then, I said to Mac that the one thing I really and truly did not appreciate occurred at the ending of the movie; as Jesus rose from his seat at the end of crypt stone near the burial cloths and as He began to walk away, the camera showed his bare buttocks. Now, I could have gone my entire life without seeing "Jesus" bare buttocks! That scene was the very last thing you saw before the credits began to come up. Carefully consider this fact: that depiction was totally unnecessary to this film! The Gospels do not record that Jesus left the tomb naked; Sister Anne Emmeric did not see in her "visions" that Jesus was naked as He left the tomb. Therefore, why would Gibson and his Jesuit script writer concoct such an ending? Since Gibson reportedly spent $50 million of his own money to make this film and get it distributed, and since he is a proven professional screen director, you know that he paid attention to every detail, no matter how minute. You know that he knew this film was going to end on Jesus' bare bottom, so that must have been the plan. But, why? This morning, I received a phone call from Dr. Cathy Burns, of Sharing Ministries. I related to her exactly what I have just related to you in the indented paragraphs, above. When I finished telling her of "Jesus" bare buttocks, she suddenly became very excited! She said, "Do you mean that we have a one-eyed Messiah who is naked"? ( ......... 예수님의 치부(엉덩이)노출에 대하여 이야기 할때 그녀는매우 흥분하며, "벌거벗은 한쪽 눈을 가진 메시아 말인가요"하고 물었다. )
Then, at the very end of the movie, the occultist would see the bare buttocks and make the connection solidly! He would recognize that the movie depicted a CFR-type Antichrist Messiah! (.................. 그는 이 영화가 CFR 타잎의 적그리스도 메시아를 묘사하고 있음을 깨달았다.)
But, there is more to this symbol relating to Antichrist, so let us review the additional material Dr. Burns provides in this book. "The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) is also pushing for a one world order. The CFR publishes a magazine called Foreign Affairs as well as printing 'position papers' ... They have in interesting logo. It is a naked man astride a white steed. His hand looks like he could possibly be making the sign of the horned devil ... A fascinating bit of information concerning the letters 'CFR' is found in the Encyclopaedia Britannica. The Moslems believe that an Antichrist is to appear who will have 'one eye'." [Ibid.] (CFR은 단일 세계 정부를 추진한다. ....................... 모슬렘은 적그리스도가 한쪽눈을 가진자로 나타날 것이라고 믿는다.) Notice in this CFR Antichrist logo that this false Messiah is showing only his left eye! Just as "Jesus" did in "The Passion"! ( CFR 적그리스도 로고의 거짓메시아가 왼쪽 한쪽눈을 보이고 있다는 사실을 주목하라. 이 영화에서 보이는 모습과 똑같은 모습이다.) Therefore, you can only now conclude that the reason Gibson showed "Jesus" bare buttocks was that he was providing the second part of the Antichrist symbol - A one-eyed Messiah who is naked! ANTICHRIST IS PROPHESIED TO HAVE RIGHT EYE DARKENED! To conclude our shocking expose' of "The Passion", we need to check an Old Testament prophecy regarding the future "Idol Shepard" -- Antichrist. Before we show you this Antichrist prophecy, remember the facts about how Jesus' eyes are portrayed in this movie. Because of the beating He took from Caiaphas' guards in the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus' right eye was totally closed for the rest of the movie. He could only see out of his left eye. Now, let us examine this prophecy: "Woe to the idol shepherd that leaveth the flock! the sword shall be upon his arm, and upon his right eye: his arm shall be clean dried up, and his right eye shall be utterly darkened." [Zech 11:17] ( 화 있을찐저, 양 떼를 버린 못된 목자여, 칼이 그 팔에 우편 눈에 임하리니 그 팔이 아주 마르고 그 우편 눈이 아주 어두우리라.(슥 11:17) Therefore, this movie depicts a "Messiah" who is compatible with this Old Testament Antichrist prophecy and who is compatible with the one-eyed, Left-eyed CFR Antichrist! There now can be no doubt. "The Passion" depicts two solid symbols of Antichrist and casts this "Jesus" as the one whom the Bible foretells shall come "in the guise of Christ" -- Antichrist. (의문의 여지가 없다. 패션오브 크라이스트는 적그리스도의 두가지 심볼을 묘사하고 있으며 성경이 예언하는 바 예수를 그리스도를 가장한 적그리스도로 묘사하고 있다는 것이다.) CONCLUSION From the beginning of our articles on "The Passion", we noted that this film is not opening in a vacuum; rather, the world is moving steadily toward the prophesied one World Government, Economy, and Religion. Since all three of these segments of society must come to a global climax at the same moment, was it now time for all religions to be joined to the False Prophet Church (NEWS1052), Roman Catholicism? If so, might this movie be specifically designed to move the Protestant churches closer to the Roman altar? Certainly, the movie sympathetically portrays the Virgin Mary as a co-redemptrix. Certainly, the movie strongly depicts the passion of Jesus Christ in such a way as to strongly present it according to the Traditional Roman Catholic version. (그렇다면, 이 영화는 프로테스탄트 교회들을 로마카톨릭에 더 가까이 가도록 특별히 디자인 한 것은 아닐까 ? 분명히 이 영화는 로마 카톨릭의 버젼에 따라 마리아를 협동 구원자로 강하게 드러내도록 하고 있다.) Now, we realize that this movie has two Antichrist symbols! Truly, this insidious film seems destined to join Protestantism to Catholicism, joining the Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Wiccans and Mother Earth worshippers already there because of their identification to the goddess Virgin Mary! Are you spiritually ready? Is your family? Are you adequately protecting your loved ones? This is the reason for this ministry, to enable you to first understand the peril facing you, and then help you develop strategies to warn and protect your loved ones. once you have been thoroughly trained, you can also use your knowledge as a means to open the door of discussion with an unsaved person. I have been able to use it many times, and have seen people come to Jesus Christ as a result. These perilous times are also a time when we can reach many souls for Jesus Christ, making an eternal difference. If you have accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, but have been very lukewarm in your spiritual walk with Him, you need to immediately ask Him for forgiveness and for renewal. He will instantly forgive you, and fill your heart with the joy of the Holy Spirit. Then, you need to begin a daily walk of prayer and personal Bible Study. If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as Savior, but have come to realize His reality and the approaching End of the Age, and want to accept His FREE Gift of Eternal Life, you can also do so now, in the privacy of your home. once you accept Him as Savior, you are spiritually Born Again, and are as assured of Heaven as if you were already there. Then, you can rest assured that the Kingdom of Antichrist will not touch you spiritually. If you would like to become Born Again, turn to our Salvation Page now. We hope you have been blessed by this ministry, which seeks to educate and warn people, so that they can see the coming New World Order -- Kingdom of Antichrist -- in their daily news. Finally, we would love to hear from you. You can contact us by mail or email. God bless you. |
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