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가슴 성형 수술에 RFID 칩이 삽입된 보형물이 쓰여질 것으로 보인다

최근 프랑스의 회사가 의학용 실리콘 대신 값은 싸지만 인체에 해로운 산업용 실리콘을 가슴 성형 보조물 재료로 사용한 것이 밝혀져, 유럽 전역에서 시술을 받은 많은 여성들이 이것을 제거해야 하는지 심각한 고민을 하고 있는 가운데, 새로 설립된 베리칩(RFID) 회사 VeriTeQ Acquisition Corporation의 CEO가 앞으로 생산되는 가슴 보형물에 RFID 기술을 적용하겠다는 계획을 밝혔다.

이에 유럽 연합은 기다렸다는 듯이 가슴 성형 보형물을 생산할 때는 제품의 특성을 확인할 수 있도록 전자 tag(RFID 칩)를 반드시 삽입해야 한다는 법안을 통과시키려 하고 있다.

현재 이 칩( RFID 칩)은 이미 미국 내에서 알츠하이머 환자들에게 이식되고 있으며, 한 때 미국의 병사들 심지어 영국의 죄수들에게 이식하겠다는 이야기가 있었는데, 이제 프랑스에서 발생한 불량 보형물 사건을 계기로 유럽에 사는 (가슴 수술을 받는) 일반 여성들에게 RFID 칩을 이식 시킬 계획을 세운 것이다.

가슴 보형물에 삽입된 RFID 칩

종말을 연구하는 많은 성경학자들은 바로 이 RFID 칩이 요한계시록 13장에 예언하고 있는 ‘짐승의 표’가 될 것으로 보고 있다. 7년 대환난의 기간 동안 RFID 칩이 짐승의 표로 본격적으로 쓰여 지기 전에 다양한 곳에서 임상실험이 진행되고 있는 것으로 보인다.

- 예레미야 -

VeriTeQ Acquisition Corporation to Offer Implantable RFID Microchip for Traceability of Breast Implants and Other Medical Devices

Current Breast Implant Scare in European Union Underscores Need for Medical Device Identifier for Patients’ Health and Safety in Case of Recall or Rupture

VeriTeQ has developed and supplied its microchip for identification of vascular ports


VeriTeQ Acquisition Corporation (“VeriTeQ” or “Company”), a leader in implantable, radio frequency identification (“RFID”) for humans and animals, announced today it will offer its FDA-cleared VeriChip microchip, a rice grain-sized, passive RFID microchip, for the identification of breast implants and other medical devices. VeriTeQ is already working to identify medical devices, specifically vascular ports, for the proper identification of the port and medication dosing requirements through an existing contract with a medical device manufacturer.

Following the international breast implant scare involving breast implants from French company Poly Implant Prothese (PIP), which used industrial silicone for its breast implants to decrease costs, it was announced yesterday that the European Union is contemplating a manufacturer requirement to embed microchips in breast implants to provide for accurate and immediate traceability of these and potentially other medical devices. It is estimated that approximately 400,000 PIP implants were sold around the world.

VeriTeQ will provide its 8-millimeter microchip for use in vascular ports and believes its microchip can be used safely and effectively in most medical devices including breast implants and artificial joint replacements. The Company’s VeriChip has been cleared for sale by the FDA since 2004.

Scott R. Silverman, Chairman and CEO of VeriTeQ, stated, “The current system for identifying surgically implanted medical devices is archaic and flawed. once a device is in a person’s body, there is no way to know for certain which company manufactured the device or what the specific device is. Embedding our VeriChip within a medical device prior to insertion enables a healthcare professional to scan the area of the patient’s body where the device is implanted and receive immediate and accurate confirmation of what the device in question is and its manufacturer.”

In January, VeriTeQ announced it signed a Letter of Intent to merge with Connectyx Technologies Holdings Group, Inc. (CTYX.PK) and its wholly owned subsidiary, Connectyx Technologies Corp., the manufacturer and distributor of the MedFlash?, an innovative Personal Health and Wellness Management System (ePHM) designed for maintaining personal health records. Upon consummation of VeriTeQ’s merger with Connectyx, the company will be renamed VeriTeQ Corporation and will continue to trade on the OTC Pink market, under the new ticker symbol “VTEQ.”

About VeriTeQ

VeriTeQ develops and markets innovative, implantable RFID technologies for humans and animals including sensor applications. VeriChip is the first human-implantable passive RFID microchip cleared for medical use by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. on January 12, 2012, VeriTeQ announced it acquired the VeriChip implantable microchip and related technologies, and Health Link personal health record from PositiveID Corporation (OTCBB: PSID.OB - News). PositiveID has retained a 10 percent ownership interest in VeriTeQ. For more information on VeriTeQ, please call 561-805-8011.

About Connectyx Technologies

Connectyx Technologies provides unique products for the healthcare market including MedFlash?, the electronic Personal Health Manager (ePHM). The MedFlash? PHM is an easy to use Personal Health and Lifestyle Manager that is accessible using a powerful web portal suite. The MedFlash? PHM also features a 24/7/365 call center, a USB flash drive and our smartphone applications with Scan code capability. The MedFlash? PHM provides member benefits including instant access to your Emergency Medical Profile and Personal Health Record in the event of an accident or a medical emergency. Whether traveling, at work, or at home, First Responders have an invaluable advantage when they have access to this time critical information. Far more than just an emergency flash drive, the MedFlash? PHM can be accessed on any computer, securely and with complete privacy. There are also lifestyle and wellness features that provide significant health benefits to members and risk mitigation for employers and insurers alike. Connectyx products are developed with the needs of patients, families, doctors and First Responders in mind. For more information, please visit our websites at: www.connectyx.com, www.phrtoday.com and www.medflash.com

Safe Harbor Act: This communication includes forward-looking statements made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 that involves risks and uncertainties including, but not limited to, the impact of competitive products, the ability to meet customer demand, the ability to manage growth, acquisitions of technology, equipment, or human resources, the effect of economic business conditions, and the ability to attract and retain skilled personnel. The Company is not obligated to revise or update any forward-looking statements in order to reflect events or circumstances that may arise after the date of this communication.

출처 : http://finance.yahoo.com/news/veriteq-acquisition-corporation-offer-implantable-133000063.html
