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[스크랩] [리빙 라이프]Hope in Hopelessness

19. [리빙 라이프]Hope in Hopelessness
(클릭하면 동영상 재생)

12 Fri
Hope in Hopelessness
[ Lamentations 4:11 - 4:22 ]
11. The LORD has given full vent to his wrath; he has poured out his fierce anger. He kindled a fire in Zion that consumed her foundations.
12. The kings of the earth did not believe, nor did any of the world's people, that enemies and foes could enter the gates of Jerusalem.
13. But it happened because of the sins of her prophets and the iniquities of her priests, who shed within her the blood of the righteous.
14. Now they grope through the streets like men who are blind. They are so defiled with blood that no one dares to touch their garments.
15. "Go away! You are unclean!" men cry to them. "Away! Away! Don't touch us!" When they flee and wander about, people among the nations say, "They can stay here no longer."
16. The LORD himself has scattered them; he no longer watches over them. The priests are shown no honor, the elders no favor.
17. Moreover, our eyes failed, looking in vain for help; from our towers we watched for a nation that could not save us.
18. Men stalked us at every step, so we could not walk in our streets. Our end was near, our days were numbered, for our end had come.
19. Our pursuers were swifter than eagles in the sky; they chased us over the mountains and lay in wait for us in the desert.
20. The LORD'S anointed, our very life breath, was caught in their traps. We thought that under his shadow we would live among the nations.
21. Rejoice and be glad, O Daughter of Edom, you who live in the land of Uz. But to you also the cup will be passed; you will be drunk and stripped naked.
22. O Daughter of Zion, your punishment will end; he will not prolong your exile. But, O Daughter of Edom, he will punish your sin and expose your wickedness.

A Leadership Hole (4:11–20)
The New Testament lays out numerous requirements for those who aspire to be leaders in the church. Leadership positions are not to be taken lightly, and so the bar is set high. What we read in this chapter helps to explain why. What the leadership does will typically determine what the laity does. Both prophet and priest have become defiled, and the people have not held them accountable. They have forgotten the LORD’s covenant, and now everyone is suffering the consequences. Their spiritual defilement is now manifesting in a physical way, and people are shunning them as they would shun lepers. The spiritual leaders now find themselves wandering on their feet as they had wandered in their hearts.

A Leading Hope (4:21–22)
The situation looks bleak, but the Israelites are not left without hope. Though they are told that they will endure the consequences of their sin, they are gently reminded that this too will pass and will eventually come to an end. This is the kind of love a parent has for their child. Love is the basis and the motivation of discipline. God’s desire is not to punish His people forever, but to give them hope even in the midst of their stiff-necked disobedience. God reminds them that though it is difficult now, it is only for a season, and their exile will come to an end.

- Who you follow is who you will become. Do you hold your leaders to the same standards that God does? Do you pray for them if they fall short and encourage them when they lead well?

- Where do you place your hope? In the idea that things could get better, or in the reality that God is good? The former is circumstantial; the latter is steadfast and immoveable.

A Letter to
Father God, let my hope not be found in better circumstances but in a better understanding of You. Help me find peace and rest in Your saving grace and Your sovereign goodness and not in whether things go for or against my will. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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