이 글을 쓴 사람은 이 ID를 받게 되면 자유가 없어진다며 받지 말 것을 권합니다 (정치적과 사회적 입장에서 쓴 것으로 보아 크리스챤은 아닌 것 같네요). 공항에서 일하는 영국 항공사 직원은, 그 직업을 keep (한국 단어 모름) 하려면 2009 즈음부터 강제로 받아야한다고 하네요. The National Identity Scheme is on its way, and it's going to change everybody's lives. The proposed British 'idnetity management scheme' is the most complex in the world. It is not just about carrying an ID card, but about a national database:the national identity register. The register will hold a huge number of details about you under your personal identifying number. including 50 dategories of 'registrable fact', personal biometrics (fingerprints, iris scan, facial scan), and a constantly updated stream of information as you use your card. The amount of information the government will have on us will effectively be infinite.
However, you won't own your data. All our information, once on the database, will be the legal property of the home secretary (내무부), who may effectively share it with any organisation or individual she or he wishes, without asking us. In law, we will have very limited rights of access to see who has had our data and we won't be allowed to change it if we think it is wrong.
You stay on the database all your life, during which you will have to notify the authorities of any change in 'registrable facts', buying a holiday cottage, say. Loss of, or damage to your card will result in a civil penalty (like a parking fine, payable immediately) of 1,000 pounds (British currency). For the first time ever in history, we will have no idea who is watching us, what they are finding out, and why.
What we are building is a 'surveillance state'. The government's new policy of data sharing between departments is all part of creating a pool of everwidening information about all of us. And the more data you share, the more it leaks.
Experts tell us that no database can be fully secure. Data theft world wide is a lucrative crime. The United States adn Australia, who have tried much smaller systems of database accessible by identifying number, foudn that they increased identify theft. The scheme won't stop terrorists, the Madrid bombers all had valid ID, and it won't increase security. NOr will it cut benefit (영국 정부에서 직업 없는 사람들에게 생활비를 주는 사회 보장 제도) fraud.
What the system will do is put everyone under the eye of the authorities in thier personal and private lives; it will make us mor vulnerable to various forms of crime, including blackmail (협박), fraud adn theft; and it will cost an enormous amount of money (between 5.6 billion and 19 billion pounds, depending on which estimates you accept), with unlimited further costs.
영국 노동 조합 passed a motion opposing the scheme four years ago. Since then, members (영국 노동 조합에 가입한 사람들) have found that the schem has not brought the promised increase in jobs -quite the opposite in fact.......
Once on the national identify register, you are on it for life. You can't come off if if you change jobs or retire. The airside workers at airports - including 영국 노동 조합 member who work for BAA - who must register on the scheme as early as 2009 if they want to keep thier jobs will be just the guinea pigs for the biggest automated state identify management scheme ever known.
No one knows what might happen. The system is untried, untested adn invasive- and it will be permanent. You can't destroy this data. This schem will turn inside out the principles, work adn private lives of many 영국 노동 조합 members. 전 세상의 모든 종교를 가진 자들과 일을 하는데, 이것이 666 의 시작중 하나라면 666에 관련 된 게시록 말씀을 답변으로 보내주려합니다. 해서 알길 원합니다.
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