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천국과지옥2/말세 징조·3

Scott Walkington (외국 사이트에서도 뜨겁네요)

from http://twelvebooks.wordpress.com/2008/11/17/mark-copfer-17-nov-2008-phone-conversation-with-scott-walkington-prophetic-meeting-with-the-lord/

Mark Copfer (17 Nov 2008)

“Phone Conversation With Scott Walkington Prophetic meeting with the Lord“


This was posted on RITA this morning  From 2HisHonor

I asked Scott if he could get his story on You Tube so it could be more easily shared and he is going to try and get a webpage up with a video link. Please know Scott isn’t selling this story. He is only asking $5 to cover the cost of the DVD and postage. Jesus told him not to make money on this message and that Jesus would provide for him. He said he has never had so much business. I love that!

First of all, Scott is just precious. I can’t explain that, he just is. I immediately bonded with him and felt a gentle, kind spirit.

Scott ‘died’ in March 2001. He was clinically dead for 7 1/2 minutes. He said it felt like he got to heaven in the morning and left at night and couldn’t believe he was only there for minutes. Since heaven is eternal there is no concept of time so I guess it feels a whole lot different.

When he started to talk about heaven, I had to ask what kind of people made it there. I asked if he was surprised at any who where there and how “religious” he felt one had to be to make it to heaven. He said he had an uncle who believed in God but did his own thing. The mother of this uncle was in heaven and she said that the uncle, who also had died, was “turned away”. That just shook me. When Scott was in heaven, he did know which of his loved ones made it to heaven and which did not. It seems our peace and joy is so full there that nothing will take it away.

Anyway his newly deceased minister, Pastor Rice, Scott and Jesus were talking in heaven about all these things. His minister had died of cancer but before he did he also had a similar death experience and was given insight into the last days. That is what made Scott think to also ask Jesus for signs.

He did not tell me all the signs, but the first 6 of the 7 signs have happened except the last one which is the transfer of power not being able to take place and the subsequent violence and war.

The second sign was 9-11. Jesus described that to him and said he would see if from within his home. He said strangely enough his appointments all canceled that morning and he turned on the Today Show for the first time in years and watched 9-11 happen before his eyes.

Another sign was the war in Afghanistan.

Then Jesus said your president (Bush) will be forced to make a decision he doesn’t want to make and he will be hated for this decision. (I hope I am getting this exactly right) Anyway that sign was the War in Iraq. I thought of all the people who have called President Bush a murderer and a terrorist and he was doing God’s will all along. (I for one never doubted that. I have felt in my spirit from the moment I saw him that he was a man of destiny and God had his hand on President Bush. Again, not saying he is perfect, but surely neither am I.)

Jesus spoke of this election and I asked Scott if Jesus seemed to favor President Bush over Obama. He said he didn’t. I got the impression that Jesus was matter of fact about these things and said they all had to happen for the end to come.

Scott has received death threats being accused of being racist which is absolutely ridiculous. Scott had absolutely no negative comments on Obama and just said it like Mark shared in his post that there would be a problem with the new president taking office. That really upset me but Scott seemed OK with it all. He is such a good guy.

Jesus said that President Bush would still be in office when we are raptured. (OMG!!!!) He said Jesus has a list of those who would be raptured.

He of course spoke of rioting over this glitch and bombs being dropped. He just said all these things had to happen for the rapture to occur and not to fear. once again President Bush will be falsely accused and attacked. only this time with bombs and not just words.

Scott said that heaven was such a happy place and as soon as he was back in his body he could feel the presence of demons in our world. How wonderful it will be to be in such a happy, innocent, wonderful place. There just aren’t words sufficient.

It absolutely blew my mind to talk to someone who had looked into the face of our Lord.

I just want to add that an hour before I got Scott’s message last week in an email (which led me here), another Christian friend called me “by mistake” thinking I had shared a prophecy with her about President Bush conducting office from a bunker, that the capitol and White House had been leveled by bombs, and flag draped caskets where going down the streets of the capitol on horse drawn carts. Anyway to get Scott’s prophecy an hour later was just too much to ignore. I really felt the Lord wanted me to know Scott’s message. The prophecy my friend described was from John Mark Pool who was speaking to Sid Roth on radio back in 2005. There wasn’t much more said on that than what I have shared.

I am so glad to have been led to you all and to be a part of this wonderful group of Watchmen. It’s so good to be with like-minded believers who are waiting for Him like I am.

I am grateful for this opportunity to prepare for His coming and to help others in my life be ready as well. The Lord didn’t share this with us to scare us but for us to use it to bring all the souls we can to heaven with us.

여기 말대로 라면 부시 대통령이 백악관에 자기 사무실에 있을 때 휴거를 보여주셨다면 진짜 얼마 남지 않은거네여....이것이 사실인지 믿겨지지는 않네요...그러나 주님오실 준비는 해야겠지요...밥 존슨이 예언한 것은 2020년인가? 로 기억하는데..그때 10억이상이 구원을 받는다는 예언인데...좀더 기도하면서 사태를 봐야하겠군요~ new 08.11.24 10:47
그리고 미국에 폭동이 발생하고 폭탄이 투하된다고 하네요. 부시 대통령은 심각한 비난에 휩싸이게 되며 공격 당한다고 하네요, 이런것들이 발생하고 휴거가 일어난다고 하네요. 그러나 예수님은 두려워 말라고 말씀하시네요. 또한 예수님은 휴거될 성도들의 리스트를 가지고 계시다고 하네요. 정말 믿어야 할지, 모르겠네요. 조만간 진실이 밝혀지겠지요 new 08.11.24 12:24
남북통일은 어떻게되나요?통일도 시키신다했건만,,휴거되면 다 끝인가요? new 08.11.24 19:39
제가 생각으로는 이 예언을 지켜보면서 나 자신을 주님께 더욱 집중하는 것이 옳다고 생각합니다. 한 2달 남았으니 좀더 지켜보면서 신부준비하자구요 아직 구원받지 못한 영혼을 위해 기도합시다~할렐루야~ new 00:08

그렇다면 벌써 휴거될사람의 명단이 정해졌다면 지금 막 예수님을 믿기 시작한 사람들은 어떻게 되는건가요? new 08.11.24 14:46
휴거가 곧 있을지 아닐지 모르지만, 휴거의 대상은 하나님과 항상 친밀하고 늘 하나님만 을 사랑하고 삶속에서 예수님 뜻대로 거룩한 성도만이 휴거가 될 수 있다고 합니다. 그래서 지금 믿는 자들은 대환기간에 난겨져서는 회개하고 거룩해져 성화되어 목숨까지 버려 순교할 정신으로 믿는 자만이 나중에 천국으로 간다고 합니다. 즉,성화가 되는게 그렇게 쉬운것이 아니란 뜻이지요. 계시록에 의하면 대환난 기간을 거쳐 이루 셀수 없는 무리들이 순교하고는 천국으로 온다고 합니다. 엄청난 숫자일듯 합니다. 그만큰 하나님은 대환난을 통해 끝까지 한사람도 구원하시기 원하는 것이지요. 심한 고난을 통해야 정금같은 믿음이 나오니까요 new 08.11.24 15:01
혹시 모르지요, 지금 믿는 자들이 진실로 회개하고 성령으로 거듭나서 거룩해져 주님 뜻대로 삶을 살고 자기의 자아를 죽이고 오직 하나님만을 섬기고 사랑하면 휴거가 될 수 있는지요. 예수님만 알지요. 우리는 아무것도 모르고 그저 예수님만을 바라보며 그분 사랑 안에 거하면서 이웃을 내몸처럼 사랑하는 실천을 날마다 살아가야지요. 세상과 나보다 하나님을 진정으로 사랑하는 사람이 진실로 회개한 자이고, 거듭난 자이고, 거룩한 삶을 추구할 수 있지요. 분명한 것은 하나님께서 자기를 진정으로 사랑하고 믿는 자들을 반드시 구원해 주실 것입니다 new 08.11.24 15:44

영어라서 잘 모르겠어요 누가 제대로 번역좀 해서 올려주세요 new 08.11.24 15:33

번역 부탁드립니다. new 08.11.24 18:18

누가 좀 번역좀 해주세요..답답하네요.. new 08.11.24 19:36

부시 임기 중에 예수님이 오신다.. 예수님은 이미 휴거될 사람의 리스트로 있다... 뭐 사실 주남 여사님도 항상 해주신 말씀이라서 알고 있었지만 그래도 충격입니다.. 다시 한번 정신 차려서 신앙 생활해야 겠습니다 new 08.11.24 21:01

이게 바로 아래 '오바마에 대한 음모, 암살 예언~' 관련글에서 말도 안된다고 했던 바로 그 예언인가 보군요- 신너님이 적으셨던.. 바로 하나 차이로 게시글이 이리 올라오니 아이러니 하네요. 어떤 것이 맞을지는.. 두고 봐야 알겠군요.. new 08.11.24 22:55

와우.. 이게 사실이라고 100센트 믿지는 못하겠지만... 이제 정말 세상과 타협하지 않는 크리스천이 되어야겠군요. new 13:02

앗! 마24:36 그러나 그 날과 그 때는 아무도 모르나니 하늘의 천사들도, 아들도 모르고 오직 아버지만 아시느니라 new 13:09

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