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미국 달러는 2013년에 붕괴할 것이다?!

미국 달러는 2013년에 붕괴할 것이다?!


그는또한미국은2013 달러의붕괴하는위험이있다고덧붙였다. 버락오바마대통령은법으로소위회계절벽을막게 된상원의지원법안에서명했다고백악관는말한다.

오바마 수요일에 '2012 미국 납세자 구호 ' 체결됐다고, 백악관은 성명에서 밝혔다. 1 1 , 하원은 연봉 450,000달러이하로 면제하는 동안 부유 미국인에 대한 세금을 높인 구성의 법안을 승인하고167-257 투표됐다. 또한 동안 예산 삭감에 109 달러를 하게 될 것입니다.

이 문제를논의하기위해, 프레스TV뉴스분석프로그램은, 런던에서기자와방송인Max Keiser, 뉴욕에 있는stopimperialism.com설립자에릭Draitser, 그리고워싱턴에서경제와정치평론가인Rollin Amore과의인터뷰를실시하고있습니다.

'US dollar will collapse in 2013'

A prominent economist tells Press TV that the United States so-called fiscal cliff is more like a 'bottomless pit of debt' that the country is diving into. He also added that the United States risks collapsing of dollar in 2013. US President Barack Obama has signed into law a bill backed by the Senate that averted the so-called fiscal cliff, the White House says. Obama signed the 'American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012' on Wednesday, the White House said in a statement. on January 1, the House of Representatives voted 257 to 167, approving the bill, which consists of raising taxes on the wealthiest Americans, while exempting others who earn less than $450,000 a year. It will also put off 109 billion dollars in budget cuts for two months.

To further discuss the issue, Press TV's News Analysis program has conducted an interview with Max Keiser, a journalist and broadcaster in London, Eric Draitser, founder of stopimperialism.com in New York, and Rollin Amore who is an economist and political commentator in Washington

생존 21C / giseg07