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천국과지옥2/말세 징조·1

[스크랩] 캐나다와 콜롬비아 상공에서 울려퍼진 정체불명의 거대한 나팔소리

Strange Sounds Heard Across British Columbia, Canada

캐나다와 콜롬비아 상공에서 울려퍼진
정체불명의 거대한 나팔소리





Was it an elaborate prank?   Was it the sound of aliens?   Was it the second coming? Those were some of the suggestions heard today, as many Terrace residents awoke to a rather unearthly sound, which was heard in many parts of the city at around 7:30 this morning. The sound lasted for roughly 10 minutes — and was recorded by many people. This recording was submitted to us by Kimberly Wookey.  Similar sounds have been reported all over the world in recent years — including Russia, the United Kingdom and the United States.   Various explanations have been offered as to what might be causing the sounds.  A physics professor at the University of Saskatchewan theorized that it’s likely electromagnetic noise emitted from auroras and radiation belts 


오전 7:30 분경 울려퍼진 이 낮선 소리로 도시많은 테라스 주민들
소름 끼치는 소리 각성으로
사람들은 놀라움을했다.

소리는 약 10 분간 지속되었다고 - 많은 사람들에 의해 기록되었다.










출처: http://blog.naver.com/funny177/80197166353