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세계 화산 3곳의 연쇄 분출

홍해 제벨 주바이르 화산 분출

79: Jebel Zubair volcano erupts in the Red Sea

October 13, 2013SAUDI ARABIA

오늘부로 사우디 홍해, 해저화산이 분출하여 증기를 뿜어내고 있다.

위성사진은 분출 가스에서 이산화황 SO2 가스가 보인다고 보고한다.  

As of today, the submarine eruption continues with the production of a steam plume of variable size, not always easily identifiable on satellite images. A SO2 plume is also visible on satellite data drifting from the eruption site. No ash can be seen on satellite imagery, only steam, and the area of discolored water (indicator of suspended particles) is small if not has disappeared. That suggests that the eruption is currently rather weak and probably has not yet entered the so-called surtseyan phase where solid fragments (ash, lava blocks) are ejected above the surface of the sea. –Volcano Discovery



알라스카 베니아미노프 화산 분출- 알라스카 마을에 화산재를 가하다

Alaska’s Veniaminof Volcano erupts- sends traces of ash over 2 Alaskan communities

October 12, 2013ANCHORAGE, Alaska

알라스카 반도에 소재한 화산이 한달 내내 분출했다. 35마일 떨어진 마을에 화산재가 내려앉은게 보고되었다.


A volcano on the Alaska Peninsula has again become active during a months-long eruption, with a trace of ash falling on communities up to 35 miles away. The Alaska Volcano Observatory says in a release that Veniaminof Volcano resumed its 2013 eruption on Saturday after being quiet for about a month. It’s been marked by lava flows, fountaining and intermittent but small ash, steam and gas plumes. The plumes usually only travel a few miles from the volcano, but the communities of Chignik Lake and Chignik Lagoon, about 35 miles away, reported trace ash on Friday. The observatory says ash fall from the volcano 480 miles southwest of Anchorage is not considered to be significant. The eruption started in June. –News Miner

뉴질랜드 화이트섬 화산 분출 : 경고수준이 높아지다 

New Zealand’s White Island Volcano erupts: alert level raised

October 12, 2013 - NEW ZEALANDNew Zealand’s geological agency GNS Science said on Saturday that it’s raised the alert level for White Island after the volcano erupted. The agency said a moderate explosion eruption, lasting about a minute, happened just after 8 p.m. Friday night. GNS Science said the volcanic alert level has been raised from one to two which indicates minor activity. The aviation color code has been upgraded to orange, the second- highest alert level. GNS volcanologist Arthur Jolly said the eruption was about the same size as the previous one in August 2012, Radio New Zealand reported. Jolly said the eruption threw mostly mud, rather than ash, into the air. He said bad weather on Saturday prevented GNS volcanologists from flying over the island to observe the volcano. –Global Times

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