is Adolfo Nicolas? Adolfo Nicolas is the most powerful person on Earth.
How could the most powerful person on Earth be somebody many have never
even heard of before? Because Adolfo Nicolas totally controls the
mainstream media and he simply doesn’t want you to know about him!
might say they happen to know that Rupert Murdock owns News Corp. which
owns FOX NEWS and they happen to listen to Fox News every day.
Certainly they would have heard about this Adolfo Nicolas on Fox News if
he was indeed the most powerful person on earth. Right?
exactly what Adolfo Nicolas wants you to think. He wants you to think
that Rupert Murdock controls Fox News and that the rest of the
mainstream media is owned and controlled by Jewish people.
let us begin by telling you he is the Jesuit General, the man who
controls the Vatican trillions. But what about the Pope? Is he was the
main man at the Vatican?
Again, this is exactly
what Adolfo Nicolas wants you to think. However, the truth is that the
Jesuit General, the leader of the Jesuits, gained control of the
Vatican’s Treasury, the worldwide wealth of the Catholic Church, around
1814 A.D.
Ever since that time, the Jesuit
General has been in control of the Catholic Church, worldwide! The Pope
is merely a figurehead or puppet, like Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Obama,
Blair, Brown, etc., all faithful puppets, totally under the control of
the Jesuit General.
In 1823, the Jesuit
General formed a financial alliance with the Rothschild Banking Family,
the most powerful banking family in the world at that time. In essence,
the Rothschild’s became the Vatican’s investment banker. This unholy
alliance has been ruling the world ever since, with the Jesuit General
acting as the Chairman of the Board.
While this
unholy alliance may not legally own everything, they own most of it and
control all the rest. Anyone who opposes the wishes of the Jesuit
General ends up ruined or dead. This unholy alliance orchestrates all
wars, genocides, depressions, and with H.A.A.R.P. even has the ability
to manipulate the weather.
We only ask that
you do some homework and find out for yourself whether what we are
saying is true or not. Begin with Vatican Assassins by Eric Jon Phelps.
Then, check out Avro Manhattan, Dave Cleveland, Tupper Saucy, Frank
O’Collins, and Barry Chamish. It’s all so logical and makes perfect
sense once you connect the dots.
virtually every serious researcher believes the Rothschild Banking
Family plays a significant role in the world’s most powerful and
diabolical criminal cabal, an ever growing number of researchers now
believe the Jesuit General is the Earth’s biggest gangster to whom the
Rothschild’s report.
The truth is the Catholic
Church is the Great Whore of the Book of Revelations. Just ask any
Bible expert. What better place for Satan to hang his hat than at the
Vatican? I mean, Vatican City is an independent nation. It is not part
of Rome or Italy. It has its own army and pays no taxes. The leaders of
the Vatican can do anything they want.
In the
past, for example, whenever a Rothschild or Rockefeller got a little too
pushy or disagreed with the Vatican’s agenda, the Black Pope simply had
them assassinated, generally making it look like an accident or heart
attack. The wealthiest and most powerful people on Earth “all” quiver
from their fear of the Black Pope.
everything you read, hear, and see on radio, TV, newspapers, books, and a
magazine is strictly censored by Adolfo’s gangsters.
unholy alliance totally controls the International Monetary Fund (IMF)
and the World Bank which means they control the money supply of 185
countries! This means they control all their governments, including the
governments of the G-20 countries, along with the military and
intelligence operations.
Mayer Amschel (Bauer)
Rothschild, the founder of the Rothschild Banking dynasty said, “Give me
control of a nation’s money supply and I care not who makes their
laws.” His wife even said, “If my sons did not want war, there would be
no war.” You’ve never heard that in the mainstream media, have you? No,
of course not.
They totally control the media,
the medical establishment, energy, money, and banking. They had Abe
Lincoln, JFK, JFK Jr., RFK, MLK, and Malcolm X all murdered, along with
countless others.
What? Are we trying to say
the Jesuits had JFK assassinated? What about Lee Harvey Oswald? Kennedy
was the first Catholic president. Surely they would not kill a Catholic
Well, if you wish to live in
Fantasy Land, go right ahead and believe that, but here is what really
happened. Lee Harvey Oswald was a patsy. Check out Robert Gaylon Ross
Sr. and the Tony Gambino tapes on the internet. The Jesuits used their
CIA and Mafia thugs to murder JFK. It was extremely well organized.
There was a big organizational meeting the night before the hit in
Dallas, attended by LBJ and many others who wanted JFK dead. Robert
Gaylon Ross, Sr. has the list of people involved with JFK’s murder in
his book.
But how could they have possibly kept
this secret? Well, this is a perfect example for understanding why
controlling the media is the key to being able to commit crimes and get
away with them too. The media simply sells the lie, over and over, again
and again, until everyone accepts it as the truth.
They did the same thing with 9/11. We’ll tell you who really did it later. Let’s finish talking about JFK first.
JFK was a Catholic, yes, but he hated the fact that the criminals
leading the Catholic Church were so powerful. He had simply had enough
of their crap. He hated the fact that they controlled the central banks,
were behind the Vietnam war, and controlled both the Mafia and the
We realize how crazy it sounds to you
since you have never heard the truth from the mainstream media, which
they totally control, but here is why they murdered JFK. JFK was
threatening to bring home the troops from Vietnam, ending this unholy
war for profit.
JFK also wanted to severely
limit the power of the CIA and take the issuance of America’s money
supply away from the Jesuit controlled Federal Reserve Bank. He even
issued Executive order number 11110 which called for the U.S Treasury to
print more than $4 billion dollars of currency. This is why the Jesuits
wanted JFK dead!
Sound incredible? Well, it
is. They killed Abe Lincoln for doing the same thing. Lincoln hated the
gangsters who controlled the central bank and ordered the printing of
Green Backs, again taking the job away from the Jesuit-Rothschild led
criminals. They had to kill him for this. They also tried to kill Andrew
Jackson several times for opposing the central bank.
right, they had to kill JFK and make it very public, brutal, vicious
and nasty for the world to see, serving as a terrifying warning to
anyone else who might think of crossing them in the future. With their
wealth and power, they have virtually everyone in their pocket,
including politicians, judges, high ranking government officials, and
members of law enforcement.
Again, however,
their total control of the media is the key to their criminal success.
They can even kill presidents and get away with it!
Jesuits, along with their Rothschild and Rockefeller puppets, are so
rich and powerful they can orchestrate incredible crimes and get away
with them.
For example, they orchestrated the
sinking of the Titanic just to kill John Jacob Astor, Benjamin
Guggenheim, and Isador Strauss, three super wealthy men who strongly
opposed the Federal Reserve Bank. By killing them, the Jesuits and
Rothschilds would not have much trouble getting their central bank
charter, which they got in 1913.
Why go to
such great lengths to start some bank? The Federal Reserve Bank is no
ordinary bank. It’s a central bank, privately owned by the Jesuits,
Rothschilds, and a few of their trillionaire friends. Its main purpose
is to finance wars, the most profitable business known to man.
criminals needed their central bank in place before they could start
WWI. Remember, the Jesuits and their evil central bankers have started
every war for the past 200 years, all to increase their wealth and
control. They have used a steady stream of lies and deception to justify
all of these wars. All of the wars have been started by Jesuit lies and
false flag operations like 9/11.
Again, the
Jesuits and their investment banker, The Rothschild Family, own and
control the mainstream media which is why they have managed to get away
with all of this crime. Their total control of the media is the key to
their success. You learn only what they want you to learn. This is how
they can get away with murder.
They also
orchestrated The American Revolution, the Civil War, WWI, WWII, 9/11,
and virtually every other gigantic crime over the past 200 years. They
have managed all of these gigantic crimes, while 99.99% of the world’s
population remains completely unaware of the diabolical activities of
this handful of ruling elites.
Also, they have
been orchestrating some of the most diabolical crimes imaginable in the
medical field, intentionally causing cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, heart
disease, and many other horrible diseases, all for control and profits.
The actual number and severity of the crimes they have been committing
and are committing right now are literally beyond the capacity of most
people’s ability to conceive and believe!
control the war industry, the illegal drug industry, all the heroin and
cocaine, the legal drug industry, gambling, pornography, along with
everything else. They literally own and or control virtually everything.
absolute control of the media is the key to their success in being able
to commit horrible atrocities and get away with them. Talking heads
like Bill O’Reilly, Hannity & Colmes, Glen Beck, Lou Dobbs, Rush
Limbaugh, and all the rest do a magnificent job of covering up the truth
about these diabolical criminals, the very people who sign their
paychecks. They are all criminals and traitors, according to the U.S.
Because their control is so
massive and all pervasive, the vast majority of folks have never heard
“any” news that did not come directly from these controlled and highly
censored news sources.
They control what is
referred to as the mainstream media, which includes all major TV
networks, Radio Networks, Newspapers, Magazines, and book publishers,
the source of virtually all information, outside of the internet.
Fortunately, much of the internet is still free and you can actually
find the real truth. However, this won’t be the case if the criminals
get their way.
Therefore, when most people
initially learn the actual truth about these criminals by word of mouth
from someone like us they immediately reject this truth. Why? Because
they are totally unaware of the fact that the media is criminally
controlled, and they simply can not accept the fact that they have been
lied to their entire life.
The actual truth
comes as a tremendous blow to one’s ego when they first learn about how
they have been intentionally tricked, fooled, and lied to by the very
people they have trusted for so long. It hurts! Some people enter a
denial phase where they not only reject the truth but refuse to do any
research either. This is a sad form of mental illness.
most people are good and decent people trying to do the right thing and
simply can not believe that “anyone” could be so incredibly sinister,
especially the wealthiest, most sophisticated and powerful people on
Earth. However, the more homework one does, the more they realize just
how true all of this really is.
Before it is
too late, use the internet for research. These criminals absolutely hate
the fact that the internet is a source for so much revealing
information about their criminal activities. They are making great
strides to gain control over the internet so they can censor it too.
Barack Obama also announced the new position of Cyber Czar for the
purpose of censoring the internet.
criminals will use the excuse that censoring the internet will make
America a safer place. They will censor the truth about their criminal
activity by claiming that they are denying the terrorists the ability to
orchestrate their terror plots over the internet. Of course, again, all
of this is lies.
Why? Because the actual
terrorists work directly for the Jesuits, Rothschilds, and their
criminal cabal, which includes our CIA, the British MI6, and Israel’s
Mossad. The Jesuits have managed, planned, organized, staffed, directed,
and controlled all of the terrorism for the past 200 years. Al Quada is
simply the Middle Eastern Branch of the CIA.
Jesuits, using the Rothschilds as their cover, have established very
sophisticated propaganda operations which now have a significant impact
on the global consciousness. They hired Sigmund Freud to head up the
Tavistock Institute for Human Relations and later set up Operation
Mockingbird, staffed with many of the brightest minds on Earth to
produce propaganda. Check it out on the internet.
would they need to do that? Because, if you control the media and
repeat a lie often enough, it becomes the accepted truth. This is what
they have been doing for years now. Virtually everything most people
believe to be true is an absolute lie. It’s unbelievable but true!
the motto of the Rothschild Banking Dynasty which is “Give me control
of a nation’s money supply and I care not who makes the laws.” The
Jesuits and their Rothschild-led bankers are in control of the world.
This includes managing all of the terrorist activity too. They control
all of the G-20 nations’ governments, including their respective
military and intelligence operations.
president of the United States and Prime Minister of Great Britain,
along with the presidents of every other G-20 country have been puppets
of these ruling elite for many years. They do exactly as they are told
or else. They all know what will happen to them if they were to disagree
with the Jesuit/Rothschild agenda. Courageous leaders like Abe Lincoln
and JFK are few in number. Most politicians are either totally corrupt,
frightened to death, or both.
Still other
leaders like Bill Clinton and George W. Bush are so weak in character,
having absolutely no control over their sexual appetites, they are
easily blackmailed into following evil orders. With literally hundreds
of adulterous affairs, just imagine how many compromising photos and
films they had of Bill Clinton? The ruling elite love such degenerate
and easily controllable politicians.
George W. Bush who earned the nickname “Lovely Lips” at Yale for his
skill at performing oral sex on other young men. Allegedly, George has
engaged in homosexual activity many times while serving as President of
the United States. Read about Jeff Gannon, a $200/hour male prostitute,
who has spent the night in the White House on numerous occasions.
out The Money Masters, Eustace Mullins, Eric Jon Phelps, Avro
Manhattan, Dave Cleveland’s The Zeitgeist Pope, The Devil in the
Vatican, Greg Szymanski, Alex Jones, Jeff Rense, The Empire of the City,
Educate Yourself, Loose Change, Dr. Bill Deagle, David Wilcock, Mark
Dice, etc. to get started. If you wish to get serious with your research
you will find enough articles and videos to keep yourself busy for the
next 20 years.
You will learn that our entire
system is corrupt beyond measure. The sad truth is that not one in a
thousand Americans even have a clue about this today, again,
demonstrating the enormous power of the totally controlled American
media. Do your homework and tell as many as you can to do the same.
Check out Conspiracy Reality TV on the internet; look over the famous
quotes and the enormous number of videos you can watch for free.
course, as you uncover the truth about these diabolical people you may
begin experiencing an increasing form of resentment for them, outright
anger in many instances. This is completely understandable and natural.
Your frustration will grow stronger the more you realize that virtually
everyone in a leadership position is corrupt and there is nobody to turn
You can write your politicians, like your
congressman in the House of Representatives or both of the U.S.
Senators in your state. Of course, what you soon discover is that they
are all absolutely corrupt or lack the courage to stand up to their
criminal masters. Regardless, the bottom line is they will not help you
at all. In essence, all of your elected officials are worthless!
last honest politician we had in America was a black woman from Georgia
named Cynthia McKinney. She dared to question the criminal Donald
Rumsfeld, then Secretary of Defense, about the unexplained disappearance
of $2.3 Trillion dollars in the defense department. Rumsfeld announced
the disappearance of this money on Sept. 10th, 2001 and the Pentagon
office where the records were kept; accounting for this lost $2.3
trillion bucks, was conveniently destroyed the following day, on
September 11th, 2001.
Of course, Cynthia
McKinney was demonized by the criminal media, attacked so viciously and
unfairly that virtually everyone in America was brainwashed into hating
the woman. This is another great example of the unholy power possessed
by our criminally controlled media. Cynthia McKinney was absolutely
trashed and ruined for one reason. She was an honest politician trying
to do the right thing.
Try to express your
outrage about all this to a newspaper, magazine, radio, or TV show and
you will soon find they want nothing to do with you. You will even find
the majority of regular folks, your friends and neighbors, have been so
thoroughly brainwashed by the constant bombardment of lies in the media,
they now strongly believe the lies to be the truth. It is truly an
amazing psychological study of the power of repetition and a criminal
So what can we do? How should we handle
the anger and the contempt we feel for these criminals? If we harbor an
intense level of hatred within us, won’t we be negatively affecting our
own health, peace of mind, and quality of life? Yes, of course we will.
That’s why it is important to have a philosophy that can help you
overcome these hateful feelings.
currently believe they are Satan’s children, worshiping the Sun God
Baal. They wish to start World War III, destroying much of the world,
including America in the process.
It sounds
insane, because it is. However, it is actually happening right now. Yes,
it’s all so very strange, but appears to be what most Biblical experts
say the Book of Revelation is predicting!
출처 : 이반명상
글쓴이 : tinybuddha 원글보기
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