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스크랩부정선거 의혹 백악관 청원입니다. 대한민국에서 진행되는 일부 청원은 정지 당했고 희망도 없습니다.외신에 알려 도움을 받아야 합니다!!!

Petition: South Korea Elections rigged deliberately by ruling party and Moon Jae In

Created by Y.L. on April 18, 2020

1. Difference in party support rates between pre-voting and main-voting was more than 10-15%; rate is usually under 7%
2. Despite requests, National Election Commission didn't install cctv in ballot storage areas; where there were cctv, screens had been covered, hence pre-voting ballot boxes were not safe
3. Pre-voting ballots were discarded, discarded ballots found after pre-voting period and before counting votes on election day. They were stamped with voting seal but scrapped before election
4. Some ballot boxes only had non-folded votes when sheet is 48cm long making it difficult to put in box without folding. some boxes only contained ruling party votes
5. Observer who stamped ballot box disclosed that seal signed was different on some boxes
And many more. Please help.

[청원 방법]


위 백악관 청원 링크로 들어가서

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Last name   성

Email address  이메일 주소

이메일 주소를 쓰고 난 다음 Sign Now 클릭

다음 창에서 메일을 확인하라는 메시지가 뜹니다.

그럼 작성했던 본인 이메일 주소 가서 메일을 열고 파란색 글씨로 쓰여진

 " Confirm‎ your signature by clicking here" 이부분을 클릭하면 백악관 청원이 완료됩니다.

이름과 이메일만으로 간단하게 할 수 있는 청원입니다.

현재 청원수는 740명 입니다.

마지막... 자유 대한민국 수호를 위해 많은 전파 부탁드립니다...!!!

